International Ombuds Association
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IOA Special Meeting: Bylaws Amendments
Thursday, July 15, 2021, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST
Category: Members Only

IOA Special Member Meeting:
Amendments to Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation

Thursday, 15 July 2021
Held Virtually at 8:00 AM PT | 11:00 AM ET | 6:00 PM GMT

The IOA Board of Directors is calling on all voting members to cast their vote on a set of proposed amendments to the IOA Bylaws and IOA Articles of Incorporation. Members have two options for voting, live during the Special Member Meeting or electronically by proxy. To learn more about proposed changes and their connection with the results of the 2021 Independent Elections Review, please read the latest posts on IOA's blog The Independent Voice.

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This meeting will be recorded and made available to those who cannot attend live.

If you need help calculating your time zone check out the World Time Buddy website.

Review the 2021 Proposed Bylaws Amendments & Vote by Proxy

Please review the proposed amendments prior to voting and/or attending the meeting.

Per the provisions of Article VI, Section B.2. of the IOA Bylaws, IOA voting members (full, retired, and distinguished emeritus members) are given the opportunity to vote on Bylaws changes during Special Meetings of the Association or to vote via proxy if you are unable to attend the Special Meeting. 

Vote by Proxy