Call for Nominations: The Organizational Ombuds Reader

By Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D. & Shereen Bingham, Ph.D.,

Dear Colleagues,

The International Ombudsman Association Research and Assessment Committee will be developing The Organizational Ombuds Reader with an anticipated publication date during 2022.

Edited by Dr. Shannon Lynn Burton and Dr. Shereen Bingham, The Organizational Ombuds Reader is a collection and bibliography of the scholarly pieces considered to be the most influential in organizational ombuds practice published since the 1960s. The purpose of the Reader is to serve as a resource for ombuds scholars and practitioners wanting to learn more about the field.

We need YOU to make this Reader complete! As part of this initiative, Drs. Burton and Bingham are reaching out to ombuds colleagues, practitioners, and researchers far and wide with one request at this time:

  1. Nominate scholarly pieces (journal articles, book chapters and books) written on organizational ombuds practice to be considered for inclusion in the Reader. Any nominated piece should be considered by the nominator to be influential in your practice, thinking or own research/writings. You may nominate more than one piece as well.

To date, we have only received eight article nominations and we know that there have been many pieces of literature that have influenced your work. You are welcome to nominate pieces you have written as well. Nominations will be considered until November 1st, 2021. Thank you for your time and assistance with this valuable project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Dr. Burton or Dr. Bingham.

Best Wishes,

Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D., University Ombudsperson, Michigan State University | [email protected]

Shereen Bingham, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska Omaha | [email protected]

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