International Ombuds Association
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Crucial Conversations for Ombuds
Thursday, March 09, 2017
Category: Webinars

Crucial Conversations for Ombuds 

Course Description

This presentation distills research from the subject book and several others into communication strategies which are immediately applicable for organizational ombuds and their visitors. Focus is on creating interpersonal safety for problem-solving conversations and modifying the stories we tell about conflict and each other.  

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss impact of the flight-or-flight response on interpersonal conflict resolution
  2. Notice when someone is telling a victim/villain story and help them focus on facts instead
  3. Identify two “golden” strategies that are especially useful for coaching ombuds visitors


Mary Beth has over 25 years experience in crisis response & conflict resolution, including 17 years as a mediator & mediation supervisor and 16 years as organizational ombuds in a 10,000-person national laboratory. Her educational background in psychology has been made practical by a couple of decades as an ombuds, hostage negotiator, mediator, critical incident debriefer and facilitator of trauma survivor groups. She regularly provide training on conflict resolution, communications and negotiations skills and is certified by the National Council for Behavioral Health as a Mental Health First Aid instructor.