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Contract Conference Ombuds Task Force Seeks Resource Materials

By Roy Baroff, COOP® , Faculty/Staff Ombuds, NC State University, and IOA Board Member

Greetings IOA members! 

Let us introduce the Contract Conference Ombuds Task Force and ask for your help. This is a new Task Force focused on developing resources to help ombuds and organizations planning for conference ombuds services. IOA is receiving requests for this type of information and a number of organizations are seeking and providing ombuds services at their conferences.  Thus, the Task Force was created and we are meeting to discuss and develop materials. Along the way, the Task Force provided some assistance to the Society for American Archaeology with the outcome being the job posting you may have seen on the IOA job board.

With this in mind, we want your help. Have you worked as a contract conference ombuds and do you have materials related to your work that you could share with the Task Force? We are seeking contracts, charters/terms of reference, job descriptions, and any other materials that we can potentially share on our resources page. 

Send materials to the Task Force Chair, Roy Baroff ([email protected]) and feel free to contact Roy for further information. 

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#IOA2020 Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for IOA’s 15th Annual Conference is open! Time to look forward to gathering with colleagues old and new in Portland, Oregon, USA from 30 March - 01 April, 2020.

The theme for this year’s conference is

Vision 2020: Innovation, Integrity, & Importance in Ombuds Work

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Ombuds Internship Toolkit - EON Needs Your Input

By Mary Bliss Conger, Ed.D.
EON Member

Have you successfully offered an internship in your ombud office? Have you undertaken an internship in pursuit of an ombud career? Would you like to offer an internship but don’t know how?

The Emerging Ombuds Network (EON) is building a toolkit to support the development of ombuds internships. Its purpose is to clarify and simplify the process of offering an internship by aggregating resources within a coherent framework. A draft outline of the toolkit is available online here via Google Drive, where anyone can view, comment upon, and directly add to the document (please resist deleting existing content, however). We need your input. 

We are particularly keen to get sample documents (e.g., confidentiality agreements, job postings, scopes of work, etc.) that can be used as templates or exemplars. There are places to upload such documents linked in the toolkit outline. 

There is also a database of known internship opportunities: Please add to it if you can.

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Retirement of Dr. Kathleen Moore (NIH)

The NIH Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution, announces the retirement of J. Kathleen Moore, Ph.D. from her position as NIH Ombudsman and Director of the Center for Cooperative Resolution (CCR).  Kathleen has enriched the NIH community for over 30 years through her dedicated efforts in addressing individual and organizational conflict, first as a counseling psychologist, then as NIH Senior Associate Ombudsman.  On January 1, 2016, Kathleen was named Acting Director, and, following a nationwide search, was named NIH Ombudsman and Director of CCR.

Dr. Moore has helped to shape the direction and legacy of our office over her many years with the organization, focusing upon collaborative problem-solving.   She has guided us in the exploration of systemic and equity concerns, published on gender equity issues in science, and advanced the field through her Reflective Observer Model for conflict resolution reflection. Her strong behavioral approach to addressing organizational conflict was informed by her background in Neuroscience (BA), Counseling Psychology (MS), and Human and Organizational Psychology (Ph.D.). 

Julie Muroff, J.D., LL.M., is the Acting NIH Ombudsman and Director of CCR. Ms. Muroff is an accomplished professor, presenter, and practitioner in conflict management/alternative dispute resolution, with extensive experience as a seasoned mediator, facilitator, and executive coach. Ms. Muroff has served the NIH community for 14 years and is well known to CCR through initiatives within and beyond NIH, and through her past service on detail to CCR as an Associate Ombudsman. 

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Update on the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

by Marcia Martínez-Helfman, JD, MSW, 2019-2020 IOA President

Greetings, Colleagues –

I want to share with you this letter I received from the National Academies' Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education acknowledging the IOA as a founding member of this very important effort to address sexual misconduct in academia. IOA has made a four-year commitment to this effort. Hats off to Jessica Kuchta-Miller, IOA Board member and Government & Policy Committee Co-Chair, for bringing this opportunity to the IOA.

The Action Collaborative will host an annual summit every fall in a different part of the country. The Summit is an opportunity to gather information, engage in a dialogue, gain diverse perspectives on how to effectively prevent sexual harassment and abuse, and ultimately identify and elevate promising practices for preventing sexual harassment and abuse. This year's Summit will be held November 19 - 20, 2019 at the University of Washington in Seattle, and is free and open to the public. Jessica Kutcha-Miller and Chuck Howard will be attending on behalf of IOA, and will be sharing information about the value and effectiveness of ombuds programs with Summit participants.

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Get Involved in IOA Through Volunteering!

Hello, IOA — from your Volunteer Coordination Committee (VCC)!

IOA is a volunteer-driven organization, and there are so many great individuals already contributing their time, skills, and energy to advancing work within IOA, but there are still phenomenal volunteer opportunities that await eager individuals!

The Volunteer Coordination Committee (VCC) is excited to share the following open IOA volunteer opportunities. We encourage you to review the below opportunities and get involved with IOA!

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Exciting IOA Partnerships!

By Roy Baroff, COOP® , Faculty/Staff Ombuds, NC State University

Hello, IOA -- from your Strategic Alliances and Partnerships Committee (SAPC)!  

We wanted to provide a quick update and extend an invitation. This is still a fairly new committee, and we’ve been working to build relationships to promote, provide member services and protect the ombuds profession. One project is to firm up connections with like-minded organizations, and we are working to confirm and document reciprocal agreements around conference invitations and exhibiting. Two are right around the corner, and you are invited to say hello and stop by IOA tables next week at the USOA conference in Hawaii (Liz Hill - Associate Director of the Ombuds Office, University of Colorado Boulder ) and ACR in Tucson (Caitlin Hendrickson – Ombuds Program Director, University of Arizona). Many thanks to Liz and Caitlin for representing IOA. If you are attending and want to help staff the table, then please contact them directly.

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IOA Announces Inaugural Executive Director

By Marcia Martínez-Helfman, 2019–2020 IOA President & Lee Twyman, Chair, Executive Director Search Committee

Dear IOA Members & Supporters,

The selection of an executive director concludes IOA’s organizational transition to a hybrid management model. We are pleased to have received a large number of very strong applicants deeply interested in the work of the IOA. Earlier this year, finalists were interviewed and the IOA Board of Directors unanimously agreed to offer the Executive Director position to Chuck Howard. Chuck will officially begin on 1 September 2019.We are delighted to announce that Charles (Chuck) Howard has agreed to serve as the inaugural Executive Director for the International Ombudsman Association.

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