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IOA's AP-RAC holds Conference in Beijing, China

By Fred Wright, Chair of the International Outreach Committee and Co-Chair of the Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee of the IOA,

Over three days in September 2024 the Asia Pacific Regional Advancement Community (AP-RAC) held its 6th in-person conference in Beijing, China. Seventeen members of the RAC attended in person whilst four members were able to attend some sessions virtually. The conference was generously hosted by the Asia Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB), and MARS Incorporated whilst Sophia Qiao, Pfizer Ombuds generously supplied wine for some of the social events.

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ABA Section of Dispute Resolution's 25th Annual Spring Conference

Don't miss out on this year's ABA Section of Dispute Resolution's 25th Annual Spring Conference on May 10–13, 2023, at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are excited to bring ADR professionals together again in Las Vegas after three years of virtual conferences! As the world’s largest ADR conference, it provides attendees a chance to network with others in the field, attend quality educational programming to advance their careers, and have fun with peers at social events. Join us in celebrating this year’s ADR awardees and be inspired by the keynote speakers. Whether you are new to the field or have been practicing for decades, the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference has something for you!

Call for Articles: Just Resolutions

By Shannon Lynn Burton, PhD
University Ombudsperson, Michigan State University

Dear Ombuds Colleagues,

I am writing to solicit articles for the September 2023 Just Resolutions e-newsletter. This edition centers on the work of ombuds and it would be wonderful if we had several individuals interested in writing!

Article submissions would be due to me by July 31st, 2023, for editing before they are forwarded to ABA for publication. However, an early submission of an article is always encouraged.

Articles have a wide range of content from interviews to book reviews and more! They run approximately 750 words in length (3-5 pages double spaced). For information on types of articles, please see the ABA Guidelines for Publication:

Additionally, you are welcome to review the September 2019, 2020, and 2021 and November 2022 editions:

If you have an idea of what you would like to write about, but want to talk it through with someone, please let me know that as well. I am always happy to discuss potential articles.

In the interim, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have, as well as let me know if you plan on writing a piece. I want to be supportive of our authors and knowing who is writing ahead of time allows me to do so! You can reach me via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (517) 353-8830.

Best Wishes,
Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D.
University Ombudsperson | Michigan State University
Editor | ABA Just Resolutions September 2023

Call for Papers: The Ombudsman System: New Challenges and Perspectives

 The Ombudsman Berlin University Alliance (OBUA) has published the call for papers, "The Ombudsman System: New Challenges and Perspectives." 

With this special section of Science and Public Policy, we wish to highlight the need to further engage in (meta-)research on the Ombuds system. We call for contributions on both current research and research application to the subject and aim for an international perspective.


Visit their website for more information.

COFO 2022 Annual Conference: Call for Presentations

By Paul Sotoudeh, Chief Ombudsman, USPTO Office of the Ombudsman

The Coalition of Federal Ombudsman (COFO) is pleased to announce that it is now accepting proposals to present at its 2022 Annual Conference on 14 October 2022. As with the COFO Annual Conferences in 2020 and 2021, presenters may present virtually, but COFO hopes to run the conference as a hybrid, with in-person attendance in Alexandria, VA.

Therefore, we are soliciting proposals for both virtual and in-person presentations, with a possibility of a pivot to all-virtual.

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Call for Proposals: LERA & SHRM Conferences

By Chuck Howard, IOA Executive Director

I would like to make members aware of two upcoming opportunities to submit proposals to present at conferences of associations in related professions. IOA members have presented at these and other conferences in the past to help promote the value and increase knowledge and understanding of the ombuds profession, and I have as well. Our membership has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share and I encourage you to consider participating as a presenter or attendee at these conferences. 

LERA 74th Annual Meeting

June 2-5, 2022 – Virtual Conference
"Elevating Voice and New Voices in the Workplace and Beyond"

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June 2021 Title IX Updates

IOA Submits Comment to the U.S. Department of Education

In March 2021, President Biden issued an executive order directing the U.S. Secretary of Education, Miquel Cardona, to review the changes made to Title IX under the Trump administration.

For multiple days during the week of 7 June, the U.S. Department of Education held a virtual Title IX Public Hearing to gather information from survivors, students, parents, faculty, school staff, administrators, and other community members about the steps the Department can take to ensure that schools are providing students with safe learning environments free from discrimination and sexual harassment while implementing fair processes. The public comments will inform the Department’s review of its regulations, guidance, and other agency actions under Title IX. In addition to oral statements at the public hearing, the Department welcomed the submission of written comments.

IOA's Government & Policy Committee  with the support of IOA leadership submitted a written comment highlighting the important and unique role organizational ombuds play on many campuses by providing confidential, informal, impartial, and independent assistance to all college and university community members including complainants, respondents, and the administration, writing:

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Conference Highlights: Asia Pacific RAC in Manila

By Fred Wright and Sophia Qiao, AP-RAC Co-Chairs

The AP-RAC (Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee) held its 4th annual conference in Manila from 16-18 October 2019. Sixteen members and two guests were warmly and generously hosted by the Office of the Ombudsperson of the Asia Development bank (ADB).  

Wayne Blair, Ombudsperson, ADB together with his colleagues Gigi Alejandro, Arlene Pantua and Erson Palermo created a comprehensive and stimulating agenda dealing with a range of important contemporary issues confronting Omuds practitioners in the Asia Pacific Region.

Over the course of three days, participants dealt with sexual harassment in organisations (facilitated by Lily Xu, United Technologies); the ombuds' relationship with formal processes (Wayne Blair, ADB); the challenges of working in geographically dispersed and multicultural environments (Caroline Wanyonyi and Faye Antolin, International Committee of the Red Cross); and about the importance of personal and professional development through a regular, structured supervision program that supports ethical and reflective practice (Fred Wright, Govt of Victoria). Herb Waye, Ombudsman for  the Internet Corporation for assigned Numbers and Names, also facilitated an interesting and contemporary session about online dispute resolution; Gurmeet Kaur, Head Ombudsperson for Home Credit India, discussed the ombud’s roles around the evolving dynamics of Indian women’s empowerment.

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Professional Development and the Revitalization of a Regional Ombuds Group in the SE US

By Tim Hedeen, Professor of Conflict Management and University Ombuds, Kennesaw State University
and Jennifer Schneider, Student Ombuds, University of South Florida

 Do you like sunshine, history, and architecture?
 Do you enjoy meeting with other bright, like-minded people?
 Are you an ombuds in the southeastern region of the US?

If you answered affirmatively to any of the above statements, then join us in Savannah, GA this summer!

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