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In Practice: Ombuds Dilemmas - The Use of Postnominals

Ombuds Dilemma: Should I list my degree? 

I am an attorney who has been working in the ADR field for more than a decade - and as an organizational ombuds for the last several years. In my email signature and on my business cards I use the postnominal, “J.D.” I work in academia where terminal degrees are the “coin of the realm,” however at times my J.D. seems to have created specific expectations on the part of visitors or leaders within my organization. As an ombuds, would it be better to not include this mention of my law degree? I have the same question about other credentials - such as LCSW and coaching certificationsAre those best left off signatures and business cards as well?

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In Practice: Ombuds Dilemma - Should I stay or should I go?

Ombuds Dilemma: Should I stay or should I go?

I’ve been in my ombuds role for a year and would like to remain in this role for the foreseeable future. The president who hired me unexpectedly retired 6 months after I arrived and there have been significant transitions as a result. Just as I was starting to build relationships, leaders started exiting the organization – sometimes I look around the room at meetings and don’t recognize many of the faces. The president’s expanded cabinet (about 40 leaders) has been invited to a two-and-a-half-day retreat at a retreat center in the mountains, about 3 hours from where most of us live. This is the first ever off-site retreat for this group. Many of our activities will focus on planning for the future, and our new president has also been very clear that this retreat is an attempt to help the organization’s leaders get to know one another and build relationships. I’m included in this invitation as a direct report to the president. Should I stay or should I go?

Response 1: Mary Rowe, consulting ombuds

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Introducing In Practice: A new column to consider challenges we face in our profession

Welcome to “In Practice” a new column edited by a panel of experienced ombuds colleagues

Our goal in this column is to elevate ombuds practice by engaging practitioners from all sectors in the analysis and discussion of practice-related dilemmas for which IOA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice do not offer conclusive guidance.

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