By Roy Baroff, CO-OP®
Faculty & Staff Ombuds, NC State
Member, IOA Board of Directors
I know, we are now in February! How can one still be thinking of New Year’s Resolutions? I was worried about this too until I recently heard someone say “Happy New Year” and it was January 31st! And, when asked, the person indicated they wished people Happy New Year until around November. I’m not going that far, as February works for me. So, here goes:
No New Year’s Resolutions – I’m going to the Conference instead !
With each new year (or New Year), we routinely face the challenge to change our lives!!! We are inundated by the idea that this time, this turn of the calendar, will be a catalyst for our next best self. I know this to be true as I saw it on Facebook, Instagram and even Linkedin!! And, that’s what I was thinking when tasked with drafting a blog post for IOA as one of its Board of Directors.