Reflections from #IOA2022: Madeline Kleinberg

By Madeline Kleinberg, Graduate Assistant, Office of the Ombudsperson Division of Academic & Student Affairs


As a graduate student still very new to the ombuds field, being able to attend the 2022 IOA Conference was such a valuable experience. The sessions I attended virtually allowed me to learn from the wealth of knowledge in the ombuds community. There seemed to be an abundance of interesting and thought-provoking sessions by a diverse group of ombuds professionals. My only experience in ombudsing has been limited to higher education, so it was eye-opening to gain insight into how broad the field is, and how impactful ombuds can be. I am looking forward to viewing some of the sessions that I was unable to attend live.

I also had the unique experience of being a co-presenter as well as an audience member, so I got a true inside look behind the curtain of the IOA Conference. Preparing for my own session really made me appreciate all the time and energy the other presenters put into this conference. I can’t wait to continue learning from this community and am already looking forward to the 2023 IOA Conference! Thanks! 

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