In an effort to be more inclusive of those committee members and potential volunteers who might be interested in joining the DEIB Committee and for whom our monthly committee meeting time has been inconvenient, we will be testing different start times for our next two meetings.
The DEIB Committee meetings are normally scheduled for 12:00-1:00 p.m. PT on the first Thursday of every month. Please note these new meeting times for March and April. March 2, 2023 at 9:00-10:00 a.m. PT April 13, 2023, at 3:30-4:30 p.m. PT (moved from April 5 so as not to conflict with IOA’s 2023 Annual Conference)
Please consider becoming a member of the DEIB Committee. Visit IOA’s Committees & Task Forces web page for more information and to submit the Volunteer Interest Form.
I would love to join as well. Any flex on the meeting times? If not pls let me know how I can help. I am 'innovating' in this space of DEIB here in Canada and so would love to support in any way I can. Thanks!
I think this committee is a great idea! I would love to join, but Thursdays are out for me - I have a split appointment. If it ever ends up on a M, W or F, I would be happy to join. Michelle