IOA Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory Participant Agreement

By joining the directory and signing below, I represent and attest that the information furnished in connection with this application for listing in the IOA Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory is true, accurate, and complete and I satisfy the listing criteria for this directory:

  • I am a current member of IOA 

  • The information I have provided is true and accurate. IOA has the right to deny, suspend or terminate the provider’s services from the OOD if it discovers inaccurate information

  • I will provide and list services that will support ombuds and their respective organizations in adhering to the IOA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics

  • I will refrain from offering training services that compete or conflict with the IOA Foundations of the Organizational Ombuds Course.

  • I will maintain adequate professional liability insurance

If any of the information in this application ceases to be accurate or complete, I will affirmatively and immediately notify IOA and provide updated information.


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