The IOA Board of Directors Call for Nominations Is Open
The nominations window will close on 16 December 2021.
We are pleased to invite you to submit nominations for the IOA Board of Directors. This is the first step in kicking off the elections process for the next set of directors. All eligible candidates directors will begin their service following the 2022 IOA Annual Business Meeting in March 2022.
Your Questions Answered
How Is this Nominations Cycle Different from Others in the Past?
After the November 2021 Special Member Meeting, several changes were made to the IOA Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. Due to these changes, IOA will be following a modified process to catch up after the postponed 2021 election.
Moving forward, there will be 15 IOA Director positions, with one seat reserved for an international member and a maximum limit of two seats available to candidates who are not currently practicing ombuds. Directors may serve two consecutive terms and these terms are staggered in three classes of five so that a majority of the Board members will return from year to year.
Additionally, the eligibility requirements for being a Director have changed. You can review the full list of changes and their rationales on the IOA website, along with a list of the current IOA Board of Directors and their term status.
Lastly, once all of the nominations have been submitted, the newly formed IOA Nominating Committee will report all of the applicable candidates to the IOA Board who will approve the full slate of candidates to be presented to IOA members for election in 2022.
Who Can Be Nominated?
IOA members are invited to nominate themselves or other IOA members. In order to serve on the Board, all incoming IOA Directors must 1) have been a Member or Retired Member of the Association for at least three years immediately preceding nomination and be current in their member dues and 2) must have had experience as a practicing organizational ombuds, unless there are less than two non-practicing Directors already on the Board.
A more detailed list of the Nominee Requirements can be found on the IOA website.
Which Director Seats Are Available?
2021–2024 Director Term: Four seats are available for this term. If elected, nominees running for these seats would serve a reduced term from March 2022 – April 2024.
2022–2025 Director Term: Five seats are available for this term. If elected, nominees running for these seats would serve a full term from March 2022 – April 2025.
What Information Will I Need to Submit a Nomination?
1) Which term the nominee would prefer to serve: 2021-2024 or 2022-2025
2) Nominee Statement of Candidacy (1,500 character limit) in paragraph format, describing why they would like to serve as a Director and any additional information they would like to share regarding their candidacy.
3) Nominee Biographical Statement (1,000 character limit) in paragraph format, describing their background and experience so members may get to know them.
4) Nominee Headshot Photo: high-resolution images in .jpg or .jpeg format preferred.
5) Ensure the nominee meets the eligibility criteria and is willing to serve.
Submit a Nomination
What Are the Important Deadlines I Should Know?
Thank you,
IOA Nominating Committee
If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please email the IOA office at [email protected].
Important Documentation for Your Review
- Results of the Special Member Meeting Vote
- Seven Proposals Voted on for the November IOA Special Member Meeting
- Updated Red-Lined Version of the Bylaws Outlining All Changes
- Updated Clean Version of the Proposed Bylaws
- Recordings of All Town Halls & Discussions
- 2021 Timeline Recap of Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation
- DEIB Letter on Nominations and Elections