2021–2024 Director Term |
Suzanne Diviney, CO-OP®
Vice President, Office of the Ombuds Lead
Pfizer Inc.
Candidate Statement: I believe the health and growth of the Ombuds profession is critically linked with the International Ombuds Association and have been happy to take a leadership role in advancing the organization and our profession as an IOA Board of Directors member since 2019. It has been very gratifying for me to be part of the many initiatives that are contributing to our evolving IOA including (but not limited to) integrating a focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging into every aspect of our organization, revising our Bylaws and Standards of Practice and identifying a new Executive Director. I am liaison to both the CO-OP® Board of Directors and the ABA Ombuds Committee as well as a member of the Executive Director Search Team and the Pecha Kucha Team for the Annual Conference. While this work can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, I am grateful to have a voice in and impact on the positive evolution of the IOA. I also take every opportunity to connect with organizations that are considering Ombuds programs to speak to the tremendous value that our function brings in every environment — be it corporate, governmental, or academic.
I am excited to be an IOA Board member and hope to continue to serve the IOA in that capacity. I promise that I will continue to devote all the time, research, and careful consideration necessary to contribute the best of my abilities to the IOA Board of Directors.
Candidate Bio: Suzanne began her career as a social worker. After attending law school, she practiced employment law with the firm of Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C. in NYC. she counseled clients on employment matters and handled federal and state court litigation related to employment discrimination claims. In 1997, she went to work for her favorite client, Pfizer, in its Equal Opportunity Affairs department. She subsequently held a variety of ER investigative and EEO-related roles throughout the company. In 2011, she became Deputy Ombuds joining the team tasked with building the Pfizer Ombuds Office. She is currently VP Office of the Ombuds Lead. She has a JD degree from St. Johns University School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Welfare. She is married to Dan Diviney, who runs Project HOPE, a non-profit that distributes food to local pantries. They have a daughter and son-in-law, Megan & John, a son, Michael, his partner, Sarah, another son, Ryan, and two precious little grandsons, Danny and Tommy.

Thomas Griffin
Ombudsperson, UCLA Health and Health Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Candidate Statement: When asked if I would be willing to be nominated, I said yes because I believe in the potential of this organization. I seek to help all of us honor and support each other well, and to establish our profession as a beacon of what is possible in this world. We will never be able to perfectly predict the future, but we can help each other grow in strength, flexibility, and readiness as we move forward together. My priorities would be to:
- Help new, aspiring, and established ombuds to accomplish their own goals
- Strengthen common understanding of organizational vision
- Foster meaning and productivity through effective communication and action.
Thank you for your consideration.
Candidate Bio: Thomas grew up wanting to argue with people for a living and is amazed to find himself helping people grow through conflict instead! While he has had a variety of incredible educational experiences (first to successfully quadruple-major in the University of Colorado system, JD/Master of Dispute Resolution degrees from Pepperdine and the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Diversity and Inclusion Certificate from Cornell, etc.), it seems more important to him that he try to learn every day. He's currently the Ombudsperson for UCLA Health and Health Sciences and has served in the office for almost 15 years. Other relevant experience includes being the Director of Employee Relations at Warner Bros. Entertainment and a variety of external mediation adventures. He has served on multiple IOA and Cal Caucus committees, as a California Caucus of College and University Ombuds Journal editor, and he is a Fellow of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution.

Jennifer Mahony
Ombuds Office Director
Boston Children's Hospital
Candidate Statement: I have benefited greatly from my association with IOA over the last five years. My hope is that if I am successful as a candidate for the IOA Board, I can begin to support this organization in the meaningful way in which it has supported me. Board service is not new to me. Neither is transformational change. IOA is in a process of transition and self-examination, which when coupled with productive action, can lead to sustaining, transformational change. Issues that are front and center for me include more fully incorporating our international community of ombuds in meaningful and effective ways while also recognizing the constraints we have as a predominately North American organization; maintaining and growing our organization in ways that are financially sustainable without over-reliance on our amazing volunteers; and supporting our organization as it continues to evolve into a place of true belonging.
Candidate Bio: Jenn Mahony has more than 20 years of experience as an ombuds and workplace mediator. She has been an ombuds since 2013 and has focused full-time on organizational ombudsing since 2017. She has extensive board and committee experience, having previously served on the Georgia Legal Services Board; was the president of the Savannah Bar Association; and currently serves on multiple IOA committees. She is the inaugural ombuds director for Boston Children's Hospital (2021); was an Associate Ombuds at the National Institutes of Health; and lived in New Zealand and worked for FairWay Resolution from 2010 to 2019, where she led FairWay's Workplace Conflict Service. She designed and implemented ombuds programs and delivered workplace training and workplace facilitation. Jennifer is accredited through the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ); is on faculty for the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution, Otago Polytechnic; and has a JD from Emory University School of Law.

Jacqueline Villafane, CO-OP®
Corporate Ombudsman - National Headquarters
American Red Cross
Candidate Statement: Please accept my consideration for a position on the IOA Board of Directors. I received encouragement from a former Board Director to apply. I was appointed as the Corporate Ombuds for the American Red Cross-National Headquarters in 2016 and became certified in 2017. I have been an active member of IOA, have participated in many workshops, trainings, and have co-facilitated a virtual presentation for IOA. In addition, I have participated in multiple Ombuds networks externally, and have presented various topics as a practicing Ombuds.
Candidate Bio: What Jacqueline's LinkedIn profile doesn't reflect is the progression of her strengths and her character. She has had the privilege of inheriting large programs and through a collaborative participatory process of engaging stakeholders. When she has been asked to facilitate problem resolution groups or consult with individuals and teams, she tends to do data gathering, provide an intervention, while evaluating and analyzing continuously to ensure directionally correct focus in a collaborative manner. Those who have worked with her will describe her as determined, ethical, fair, collaborative, and one that loves to learn. She embraces challenges and believes that every situation has its nuances which is why one intervention for problem resolution does not fit all. She also believes in managing polarities within the parameters laid before her.
2022–2025 Director Term |

Alicia Booker
University Ombudsperson
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Candidate Statement: I am interested in serving on the Board to share my skills, ombuds educational experience, and ombuds professional experience with the larger ombuds community. I am interested in the opportunity to manifest the ideas I hear in multiple ombuds-related or ADR conversations into actionable plans and projects. I have grown from being an aspiring ombuds as a student in an ADR master's program to serving as a full-time ombuds and adjunct faculty member teaching the Ombuds 101 course. I feel I have a variety of perspectives and expertise to offer that will augment the Board.
Candidate Bio: Alicia Booker is a Ph.D. candidate at Nova Southeastern University's Conflict Analysis and Resolution program. Her dissertation focuses on conflict analysis in corporate and academic settings. She has a passion for helping people explore their options when faced with conflict and they feel stuck. She has more than 15 years of experience in public speaking, executive coaching, conflict management, conflict resolution, and conflict reduction training.
Booker has received graduate certificates in executive coaching, conflict coaching, mediation, qualitative research, and advanced training on workplace collaboration. In addition to dispute resolution, Booker's roots in investigative journalism and private investigation have equipped her with a critical interview and question-asking skills that are key to collaboration. Booker earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, and a Masters of Arts in Dispute Resolution from Southern Methodist University (SMU).

Amanda Dean
Ombuds for Faculty and Staff
Austin Community College
Candidate Statement: Much of the conversation over the last year surrounding the bylaws changes centered on IOA defining what it is. Are we a space for ombuds to gather or are we an association that sets standards and upholds principles? I see this as a turning point, one of many IOA has experienced, and a moment when we can define ourselves as leaders of the ombuds profession.
It will be no great surprise to most of you that I am particularly interested in ways that IOA can foster aspiring and emerging ombuds and create pathways while helping to grow the profession. Through my work helping to found and run the Emerging Ombuds Network, EON, I have engaged with many people who are aspiring to create ombuds offices, be hired as ombuds, or are just starting out in the field. Many of us share similar stories of pondering the question "how do I become an ombuds?". I am running for a 2022-2025 Board seat because I believe that the IOA board can help to answer this, and other, big questions that ombuds are asking and I believe that my experience, while shorter than many, will be an asset to the Board as we set out on this next phase of IOA.
Candidate Bio: Amanda Dean received her MS in Conflict Management from Kennesaw State University in 2016. It was during this program that she learned about the role of an Ombuds and was immediately drawn to the profession. She attended the 2016 IOA Conference in Seattle and completed the Foundations Course. In August of 2017, she was hired as the Assistant Ombuds for Students and Postdocs at UC Berkeley. During her time at Berkeley, she was able to attend the California Caucus of College & University Ombuds, CCCUO, where she now serves on the planning committee and board.
At CCCUO she met a group of ombuds who had similar stories of trying to break into the profession. Through those conversations, an idea was formed that is now the Emerging Ombuds Network. EON is a collective of ombuds with a mission of supporting new and aspiring ombuds. In 2018, she joined the IOA Membership Committee and has served as Chair since 2019. In 2019, she moved to Austin Texas to create a new ombuds office for faculty and staff at Austin Community College.

Wayne Francis Marriott
Organisational Ombuds
Auckland University of Technology
Candidate Statement: I am passionate about raising the voice of people in the workplace. Ombuds are an essential function in organizations committed to the well-being of their people. While the role of ombuds provides many tangible benefits to people and their workplace culture, the work is often solitary and sometimes unsupported. My bid to be on the IOA Board of Directors is to extend its outreach to practitioners globally. I want to be part of continuing efforts to embrace the international sector, and I believe a seat at the board table will add value to our mission. I also support a more diverse and inclusive organization. I pledge to champion global outreach, program growth, and ombuds practitioner skills development. I'm also supportive of organizations like IOA committed to the growth of decolonization and practices that address systemic racism. I live in Christchurch, New Zealand [in the south], and travel weekly to my work in Auckland. In 2019 I was awarded the Michael Klug award for building community-based peace initiatives in New Zealand/Australia. In 2020 I was a nominee for the NZ Law Awards, Mediator of the Year.
Candidate Bio: Wayne has 21 years of experience as a conflict analyst and dispute resolution practitioner. He was appointed as Organisational Ombuds to the Auckland University of Technology in August 2021 and has been a practicing ombuds since 2013. He is a conflict coach and additionally engaged in restorative practices, assisting people and organizations overcome complex events, change processes, conflicts, and disputes. He facilitates restorative justice meetings within the criminal justice world and is a published researcher of therapeutic jurisprudence in New Zealand. Wayne established Fleetwood to design effective conflict management and dispute resolution processes. He has a strong knowledge of the construction, education, justice, and health sectors. Wayne has served the IOA on the Membership Committee and is an Associate Editor for the JIOA.

Mark Patterson
University Ombuds
California State University Channel Islands
Candidate Statement: I joined the IOA and attended my first annual conference before I became an ombuds. I had hoped IOA would help me launch a new and satisfying career. Thankfully, it did. Now, I want to give back. If elected to serve, I would strive to focus on enhancing IOA's role clarifying, supporting, and magnifying organizational ombuds work in the eyes of the world; and strengthening IOA as a place of community for Organizational Ombuds.
During my service in the U.S. military, I learned to value purpose and community as vital parts of a satisfying professional life. Since becoming an ombuds, I have found fellow ombuds to be the most supportive and generous people. We have a sense of purpose. And, I believe IOA can enhance that sense of purpose and community, especially for those in IOA's core constituency: organizational ombuds and those seeking to become organizational ombuds.
Organizational ombuds work in all its flavors practiced by people of the most diverse backgrounds and identities is a unique gift to the people we serve. Experiences that will help me magnify the gift of ombuds work include my service as Co-Chair of IOA's Conference Committee for more than three years; my service developing IOA's Leadership Onboarding Program; and my experience leading offices and organizations inside and outside the U.S. I am proud of the efforts we have made to diversify perspectives and membership for conference planning and hope to help do the same for IOA generally.
Candidate Bio: Mark Patterson is the founding University Ombuds for California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo, California, serving staff, faculty, and student employees navigating workplace concerns, conflict, and policy. Mark previously served as University Ombuds for the College of William & Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia. Before becoming an ombuds, Mark served as a judge advocate (military lawyer), mediator, and educator in the U.S. Air Force for 24 years, with assignments in Asia, Europe, and the United States. He retired at the rank of colonel. Mark received a B.A. in journalism from Marietta College, Ohio; a J.D. from Duke University; and an LL.M. in International Dispute Resolution from Fordham University. He is a father of five, enjoys hiking, cycling, rowing, and playing guitar. Mark also enjoys the fine art of storytelling and improv comedy.

Lily Xu, CO-OP®
Corporate Ombuds
Raytheon Technologies
Candidate Statement: Since joining IOA in 2014, I have had a grateful beneficiary of what IOA offers to its members: the professional development programs as well as the many opportunities to connect with, exchange ideas with, and learn from fellow Ombuds. I have also been a core member of the Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee (AP RAC). Together with other members, we've successfully organized several AP RAC meetings. When Bruce MacAllister asked me if he could nominate me to serve on the IOA Board of Directors, I was very flattered. Meanwhile, I realized maybe it is the time for me to take a more proactive role to give back to and pay forward to other members of the IOA. The past two years, with the pandemic, have been challenging for many ombuds. The way we practice shifted from face-to-face consultations to virtual-based. Luckily for me, it's been virtual-based since I started in this role from day one. My ombuds team and I have a lot to offer. We also went through reorganization and battling the survival of our Ombuds Program, after have seen other corporate Ombuds programs disappear. We stand strong with a brand new charter and an upgraded data management system on the way. With my skill set, experience and background, I am interested in adding value to the ombuds profession and contributing to further enhance the IOA to become a more international association.
Candidate Bio: Lily Xu is currently the Corporate Ombuds for Raytheon Technologies (RTX) and has served in this role since 2014, she is based in Shanghai China. RTX researches, develops, and manufactures advanced technology products in the aerospace and defense industry, including aircraft engines, avionics, aerostructures, cybersecurity, guided missiles, air defense systems, satellites, and drones. The Ombuds Program was established in 1986 and is open to its 180,000 employees worldwide. She joined the company in 2009, prior to becoming an ombuds, she had held various roles in executive assistant, communications, international trade compliance, ethics & compliance, and project management. She has an MBA from Webster University. Lily has been an IOA member for 7 years and is a Certified CO-OP®.
2022–2023 Director Term (Vacant Seat Special Appointment) |

Diana Mosonyi
Harmonikon - Harmonised Conflict
Candidate Statement: It would be my honor to serve the IOA Board and bring my vision and international experience. Learning and gaining knowledge regarding the IOA organizational ombuds model in the USA gave me a clear understanding of the principles. Being a Middle-European woman provides a different perspective and knowledge of the European culture, especially when it comes to informality, which has a different meaning here than in the American culture. Being the Executive Director of the local Organizational Ombuds Association (SZOE) in Hungary ensures a deep comprehension of implementing the IOA model in a different culture. As an IOA Board member, I have this international perspective and experience to improve the IOA internationally and support international institutions to adopt the IOA model. Additionally, my vision is to grow the ombuds model and adapt it according to corporate needs. As an external ombuds service provider, I worked with small and middle-sized companies that lacked the resources for a full-time employed ombudsperson. These needs can be identified as a future challenge for the IOA and develop suitable services.
Candidate Bio: Diana Mosonyi has been Executive Director (and having established) of the First Hungarian Organizational Ombuds Association (SZOE) since 2019. Diana took IOA Foundations training in New Orleans in 2018 and served on the IOA Volunteer & Conference Committees between 2017 and 2018. She was a trainee at the University of California San Diego. Diana supported implementing an Ombuds program for the Digital Research Game Association (DIGRA) between 2020 and 2021. Last year, she started her company in the Netherlands, where she provides external ombuds services for small and middle-size companies. She earned a Bachelor of Sociology at Pazmany Peter Catholic University and then studied to earn a Master of Management & Leadership in Hungary. She also holds a certificate in mediation from the University of New Mexico. She gained her mediation experience at Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court.