Director, PetrOmbudsman Department
On March 25th, my team and I officially celebrated the 10th anniversary since the establishment of our Ombuds department in OMV Petrom. The occasion was marked with a special celebration event in the headquarters of the organization, together with people who have been there with us during all this time. I can say that we embarked on a time machine journey, on the path of memories, but also of ambitious dreams, to new heights that we set out to conquer, now that we have reached the milestone of 10 years as PetrOmbudsman.
We had with us two of OMV Petrom’s Executive Board Members, Christina Verchere and Cristi Hubati, whom I would like to thank for the nice words they addressed to us on the occasion of our event.
I am also deeply grateful for the kind words and congratulations received from Alicia Booker PhD, President of the IOA Board of Directors, and Lynne Chaillat, Leader of the Mentoring Committee of the IOA and former Ombuds at McKinsey.
Last, but not least, none of this would have been possible without the continuous support of my team, whose efforts I would like to acknowledge at this time.
For those of you who are interested on a more detailed look into the ways we marked this happy occasion, I am providing a link to the web page we created for PetrOmbudsman’s anniversary: