IOA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Task Force Update
By Marcia Martinez-Helfman, JD, MSW
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force has been formally launched. An organizational meeting of forty-two volunteers was held on Friday, 30 October, and a leadership team is coming together. Jai Calloway, Corporate Ombudsman for Haliburton, and Brett Harris, University Ombudsperson for the University of Oregon, were elected Co-Chairs by the group. It will be on the agenda for the Board of Directors to officially approve the Task Force Co-Chairs at its December meeting.
The Task Force members agreed to break into four teams, each of which will have a particular focus relating to the themes of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, respectively, and will be selecting their own team leads. The IOA Board of Directors provided a draft Terms of Reference, which lays out the Task Force’s purpose, scope of responsibilities, relationship to the organization’s strategic direction, and other guidance for consideration, and invited feedback and recommendations for revisions to the document.
Under the leadership of Jai and Brett, the group will begin to refine priorities for the whole, and teams will similarly endeavor to articulate their respective areas of focus. The Task Force, which is currently anticipated to have at least a two-year term, will also establish specific deliverables, as well as plans and processes for meetings, robust communications, and other operational details. Marcia Martinez-Helfman will serve as Board Liaison and will serve as the link between the Task Force and the Board.
An important initiative I am glad to collaborate on!
Excited to push this important work forward!