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You’ve Got (Hate) Mail! Tips to Help Visitors Resolve & Prevent Email Related Conflict
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Category: Webinars

You’ve Got (Hate) Mail! Tips to Help Visitors Resolve & Prevent Email Related Conflict  

Course Description

Ever received an aggressive or worse, passive aggressive, email in the workplace from a colleague, supervisor or vendor?  Ever worked with a visitor who is receiving such emails…or guilty of sending them to others?  While communication technology comes with numerous conveniences, it is also prone to conflict.  Email communication, especially in the workplace, has countless opportunities for miscommunication, use of aggressive tactics and can quickly spiral out of control.  In this course we will discuss some of the reasons technology communication, specifically email, is prone to conflict and discuss tools and techniques for combatting it.  

Learning Objectives

  1. Fighting the flame wars – define flaming
  2. Help participants understand why/how electronic communication can be misunderstood
  3. Provide tools and techniques for better communication via technology


Stephanie Luckam is currently an Ombudsman for the Transportation Security Administration, which she joined in 2015.  She is a certified mediator in the state of Virginia and a trained facilitator and conflict coach, currently seeking ACC certification.  Prior to joining TSA, Stephanie served an Associate Ombudsman for the Inter-American Development Bank.  She holds a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University where she focused her studies on workplace conflict.  She is the Chair of the Volunteer Coordination Committee for the International Ombudsman Association and is an active member of the Coalition of Federal Ombudsman.

Sara Roberts joined TSA’s Ombudsman’s Office in 2014 as a facilitator, trained mediator, alternative dispute resolution practitioner, and conflict coach. She has been with the agency since its inception in 2002 where she enjoyed organizational change, Human Resources and supervisory roles. Sara holds a Master’s degree in Executive Leadership and Organizational Change and a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing with a certificate in Psychology from Northern Kentucky University.  Additionally, Sara is a certified conflict coach, active member of the Coalition of Federal Ombudsman’s Executive Committee and is working toward certification in EQ-i. 

1.       Fighting the flame wars – define flaming