The Journal of the International Ombuds Association
Special Issue Announcement
Essays in honor of Dr. Mary Rowe
The editorial board of the Journal of the International Ombuds Association (JIOA) are pleased to announce the prospect of a special issue of the JIOA to celebrate the contributions of Dr. Mary Rowe to the ombuds profession. We invite the submission of articles that engage with the scholarly works of Dr. Mary Rowe considering the theory and practice of ombudsing.

Rowe has produced a collection of published works and invited scholarly presentations that have had, we believe, a wide-ranging influence on scholars and practitioners in our field. Her research publications highlight several areas specific to ombuds practice including the functions and professional values of ombuds; the effectiveness and value of the role; case materials and stories; how ombuds fit into integrated conflict management systems, as well as other topics including micro-inequities and affirmations, the role of bystanders, harassment and bullying, and negotiation. Rowe’s works have been cited by a multitude of researchers and practitioners alike as having a profound impact in how they think about the ombuds field and discuss it with their organizations. One only needs to review her website at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she served as ombuds for 42 years to see the extent of her influence.
We invite authors to submit essays that reflect on how Mary Rowe’s scholarship may have influenced their own work; how it might benefit future practitioners, scholars, and students; or any topic that involves the work of this major figure in the ombuds field.
Information on author guidelines for the JIOA can be found on our website. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. Thank you.