By Steven D. Prevaux, Chair, Nominations & Governance Committee
Tis the season for autumn leaves turning, friends and family returning and candidates yearning. Earlier this week the IOA Board of Directors issued the annual “Call for Nominations” seeking eligible candidates to run for election to serve on the IOA Board. We encourage you to reflect on this opportunity to nominate excellent colleagues for this amazing opportunity!
As a voluntary association, we thrive on practicing the very principles that we encourage our organizations to provide such as fairness, empowerment, and inclusivity. We celebrate the deep variety of experiences, talent, and perspectives of our members and invite your participation.
Please nominate that person who you know would add a valuable dimension to our governance leadership team to actively engage in the hard work of building an even better tomorrow for the members we serve. Nominations of eligible candidates will be accepted through 18 November 2019.
“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Thomas Jefferson
Want to learn more about Steve Prevaux?
Check out the blog post with his IOA Board spotlight.
Nomination Criteria
The IOA Bylaws state that any current Member or Retired Member may recommend candidates for the Board of Directors. You may nominate yourself or other members.
Nominee Requirements
As described in the IOA Bylaws, the qualifications for directors are as follows:
- A candidate must be an IOA member or retired member, AND
- Currently, hold active status as a Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioner and three years of organizational ombudsman work experience and three consecutive years of membership in IOA immediately prior to assuming office; OR
- Completion of the IOA course Foundations of Organizational Ombudsman Practice and five years of organizational ombudsman work experience and three consecutive years of membership in IOA immediately prior to assuming office; OR
- Seven or more years of organizational ombudsman work experience and three consecutive years of membership in IOA immediately prior to assuming office.
In addition, nominees must be current in their membership dues, be able to serve on the Board, attend meetings, and fully participate in Board activities (we ask you to please confirm these requirements with each person you nominate). Also, note that a nominee is not eligible to run if their term would coincide with the term of a current director from the same institution or organization.
The Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC) may also apply the following criteria for selecting nominees to be placed on the ballot:
- Diversity of board members (e.g., sector/industry, gender, education, ethnicity, race, geography, etc.);
- Strengths and skills needed by IOA (e.g., expertise in legal, finance and accounting, research, etc.);
- Leadership experience;
- Experience on IOA committees and task forces, and feedback from committee chairs about reputation for integrity, ethical behavior, honesty, reliability, and ability to collaborate;
- Strong commitment to IOA's vision and success;
- Availability of institutional support for the nominee (e.g., ability to commit time to Board duties, release time from work, administrative support, etc.);
- Nominees should not have, nor appear to have a conflict of interest that would interfere with the ability to represent the interests of the Association; and
- The intention to complete at least one full three-year term.
Term Requirements
For the IOA Board term, starting 31 March 2020 at the Annual Business Meeting, there will be six (6) director positions open. A list of the current IOA Board of Directors and their term status is on the IOA website. IOA Directors serve three-year terms and are eligible to serve two consecutive terms. Terms are staggered so that a majority of the board returns from year to year.
Important Dates & Deadlines
- 28 October 2019 – Call for Nominations opens
- 18 November 2019 – Call for Nominations closes
- 19 December 2019 – Board votes on a slate of candidates proposed by NGC
- 27 December 2019 – Election period opens
- 31 January 2020 – Election period closes
- 31 March 2020 – New Board members will be introduced at the IOA Annual Business Meeting during the Annual Conference