by IOA
With September 2020 marking the one-year anniversary of Chuck Howard’s appointment as IOA’s first-ever Executive Director, we thought the start of 2021 would be a good time to reflect on Chuck’s leadership and accomplishments over the past 16 months.
With 30 years of experience as an attorney representing ombuds nationwide, and author of the definitive history of the ombuds profession, IOA had high hopes for the impact Chuck would make on our organization—and he didn’t disappoint!
The measure of Chuck’s success is hard to quantify with numbers, but it is a good place to start. On behalf of IOA, he has been a prolific writer, a highly-engaged marketer, and a sought-after speaker, panelist, and presenter for high-profile public and private sector organizations across the United States.
When the pandemic locked everyone down and outreach became virtual, Chuck did not slow his pace. Since joining IOA, Chuck has made at least 12 presentations or speeches to national organizations; consulted with 31 nonprofits, companies, government agencies and colleges and universities about setting up, strengthening, or defending their ombuds offices; and offered his leadership and expertise to 21 IOA committees, task forces, working groups, and initiatives.
For Chuck, Ombuds Day 2020 turned out to be a full week of speeches and presentations. On 8 October, Chuck delivered his second keynote speech to the American Bar Association (the first was in 2019) and was a presenter and panelist for the International Corporate Sector ombuds event on October 13, followed shortly thereafter with a speech to the COFO 2020 Annual Conference.
In the meantime, he authored articles for Bloomberg Law and the Harvard Business Review, while offering comment to numerous trade publications on the importance of engaging an ombuds for conferences and events. He was also a guest on the Crafting Solutions to Conflict podcast, hosted by Jane Beddall. Most recently, Chuck has granted interviews, released statements, and published an op-ed with the Mississippi Free Press regarding the embattled ombuds office at the University of Mississippi—a closely watched development that IOA has been able to monitor and respond to, thanks to Chuck’s standing in the ombuds community and his role as IOA Executive Director.
His attention to IOA’s internal progress and organizational goals has been just as dedicated. These have included leadership of the Ombuds Effectiveness Program and a major role in revising IOA’s Standards of Practice & Ethical Principles. In addition, Community Dialogue planning, Annual Conference planning, and IOA’s new Strategic Plan have benefitted from Chuck’s leadership and guidance.
In the meantime, he’s got a new book in the works that promises to be yet another seminal work on the ombuds profession and its impact on people and organizations worldwide.
For IOA, his contributions and positive impact have been unquestionable. Our board and members continue to benefit from his knowledge, insight, and commitment to our shared vision and goals. On behalf of IOA, we thank Chuck wholeheartedly and look forward to his ongoing leadership.
Want to read more, hear more, or watch more?
Review all of Chuck Howard's resume, articles, publications, and presentations on our About Chuck Howard page. Here are just a few examples of Chuck's Recent Work.
International - Corporate Sector Ombuds Day Celebration
Episode 93: Chuck Howard, International Ombudsman Association’s Executive Director – Crafting Solutions to Conflict -- a practical and positive perspective!
Thank you! It is terrific to have such a formidable presence.
Thank you! It is terrific to have such a formidable presence.